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This building that houses the Regional Museum is the second one built to house the Guadalajara San Jose Tridentine Seminar. This was inaugurated by Fray Francisco de Buenaventura Díaz in 1758. From 1810 to 1811, Spaniards converted it as a military headquarter and jail by orders of D. José Antonio Torres. From 1821 and until 1846 was occupied by the seminar; More recently, on June 12, 1859 it was confiscated as a Federal-owned property. Then it was donated to the State in 1861, upon petition of the Governor Lic. Don Pedro Ogazón. In 1863 the Mens Liceo was installed there and the south side of the first floor used to house a library. By initiative of Don Jorge Enciso and with the enthusiastic collaboration of Ixca Farias, it was destined as a museum on November 10, 1918. The Toscan main room has baroque façades; the front is composed of some Corinthian columns, finished with volutes. There are 4 exhibit rooms, tour guides for school groups, auditorium and a books and magazines store.
The colonial house is a Guadalajara tourist and cultural attraction of great quality by itself. During the Independence War it was destinated for a military headquarter. Inside the building you can find various interesting archaeological pieces and some works of art of various authors in those which the Villalpando and José Ibarra paintings are extraordinary. One of the rooms keeps a mural of José Guadalupe Zuno devoted to recall the "Nueva Galicia Conquest" by Nuño de Guzmán. Also we can admire the chapel in this old building. In the Paleonthology room you can find a complete skeleton of a mammoth, and a reproduction of a tomb (tumba de tiro) which was characteristic of Western Mexico.
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Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
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Through Unique Experiences
An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.
An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.