Call: 33 1578 0421
Founded in 1954 in a beautiful residence of the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries that belonged to the rich and famous farmer Francisco Velarde, nicknamed the "The Golden Donkey" born in La Barca, who became General in the Government of Santa Anna and was shot for supporting the second empire. Nowadays it preserves and exhibits the most traditional Ceramic from the Valley of Atemajac, as well as some of the winner pieces at the National Ceramic Award Fair.
Regional museum in Guadalajara
A day trip to a lost Civilization
Go beyond its
apparent simplicity
GDL Tours is located on : Peatonal Indepencendencia 329, Tlaquepaque Centro Histórico, Guadalajara Jalisco C.P. 45500
Ofice Phone: (33) 3659 9379,
Delivering Value
Through Unique Experiences
Copyrights 2013
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.
An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.
Join the Mexican fiesta! The experience to know the culture of tequila agave in the Tequila Train