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GDL Tours is located on : Peatonal Indepencendencia 329, Tlaquepaque Centro Histórico, Guadalajara Jalisco C.P. 45500
e-mail: Office Phone: (33) 3659 9379,
Copyrights 2012
Type on the window where you want to go, it will show you which buses will take you to where you want to go, bus fare is $6 Pesos as of 2012. Place red button on a defined location then press botton ¨Buscar¨ You will see what bus line goes in that directions and the route bus follows.
Public Transportation in Guadalajara
Call: 33 1578 0421

We have a state run subway (tren ligero) that covers two routes (lines):
Line one runs from northest most point of the city (Periferico Norte) to the southest most point of the city (Periferico Sur), part of this electric train runs on the surface and the other half runs under ground. This line is Norte - Sur.
Line two runs from the eastest most point called Tetlan to down town Guadalajara stop called Juarez. This line is all underground for the most part.
All stops are marked with a ¨T¨ for train posted out side entrances.
When one enters the train stops one comes across an automatic machine
where you put the money in the coin slot and the automatic teller will give you a token and your change at the bottom of it. For example if you put a $10 pesos coin into the slot the machines will give you one token $6.00 + $4.00 change = $10 pesos.
This token is placed on the special slot at the entrance to board the subway, drop the token into the slot, and you are let in. If you think you do not understand this description do not worry, most of the times not even locals do not know how to do it, so ¨monkey see, monkey do¨.
This is a relatively newer bus line, they are two buses joined together with air conditioner, this route runs only from North to South
Follows only one route (in blue) Bus ride is $6 Mexican Pesos (exact change only)
Buses are not state run, they are individually own but the state lays down the route and time they must follow. Most buses (but not all) pass by down town Guadalajara.
There are 178 bus routes end each might have 2 or 3 variations for example route 644 goes down town in 6 different routes. There is route 644, 644 A, 644 B.
What do we do?
This site will show you maps and what bus to take to most destination mentioned within the site, if you do not see a route listed to the point where you are going to, then let us know, contact us and we will assist you and list it. We also provide an out side resource quite popular site (spanish) scroll down.
All rides are paid to the driver in cash, you do not need exact change, drivers will take your money and they will give you the change along with a small ticket.
Buses in Guadalajara do not have a TRANSFER system but every one pays every time as he or she boards the bus.
Bus ride is $6 pesos (45 cents United States Dollar)
Bus ride is $10.00 Pesos (80 cents USD) on FIRST CLASS BUS also called ¨TUR¨ for its turcoise collor, this is the air conditioned bus going to Tonala, Zapopan or Tlaquepaque for example. There is a double decker that charges $110 pesos for a bus ride following exactly the same routes.
Public Transportation in a city that has grown threefold in the las 40 years may be complex and some what chaotic because all economic sectors of the city prevail over the interest of the population. But let us try to undertand and use what we have as transportation.
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
A day trip to a lost Civilization
Go beyond its
apparent simplicity
Delivering Value
Through Unique Experiences