Call: 33 1578 0421
A day trip to a lost Civilization
Go beyond its
apparent simplicity
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
GDL Tours is located on : Peatonal Indepencendencia 329, Tlaquepaque Centro Histórico, Guadalajara Jalisco C.P. 45500
Ofice Phone: (33) 3659 9379,
Housed by a modern building, the paleonthology musem, find the largest collection of fossils found in the western region of México, and mostly from lake Chapala area and the beaches of Zacoalco lake. The colection owned by Ing. Federico A. Solorzano Barreto, who began collecting fosils more than half a century ago. The exhibition has mainly mammals from the miocene, pliocene and pleistocene eras.
Exhibits at Paleonthology museum include fragments of antelopes, horses, pumas, sable-teeth tigers, mammoths, among others; together with evidence left by the first settlers in the fauna of the tertiary and quaternary periods.
This very valuable heritage is under the care of the Museum which as an investigation center promotes to study paleonthology through a discipline that tells us about the changes that happened around us throughout the years, divided 7 areas so that each piece of it is found in adequate surroundign in order to offer the scientific information and becomes interesting for its educational value.

An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.
An excursion to Guadalajara Zoo provides the perfect opportunity for enjoyable learning through stimulation.
Guadalajara Maps
Delivering Value
Through Unique Experiences
Copyrights 2013
Join the Mexican fiesta! The experience to know the culture of tequila agave in the Tequila Train