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A day trip to a lost Civilization
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€22 EURO
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
Guadalajara City Tour
Most famous monuments of Guadalajara, discover inside the buildings and plazas
Guadalajara Arms Coat
A bronze sculpture depicting two climbing lions, facing each other, posing their front pows on pine tree, as a sign of victory. Next to the sculpture there are two stone slabs 6 meters height are citing the decrees by which the title of city if given to Guadalajara granted by Charles V, King of Spain.
GDL Tours is located on : Peatonal Indepencendencia 329, Tlaquepaque Centro Histórico, Guadalajara Jalisco C.P. 45500
e-mail: Office Phone: (33) 3659 9379,
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